Diversity in Research and Teaching
In order to systematically remove structurally established hurdles that stand in the way of an equal scientific career, the University of Bonn is taking concrete measures, which we present to you below. You can also find out here how diversity is specifically promoted as a research subject and how researchers and teachers are supported in their work.
Diversity in research
The achievement of diversity releases innovation potential in all areas of academic endeavor and its incorporation in research projects is not only an indicator of quality, but provides a competitive advantage in the application process for research projects.
The University of Bonn seeks to promote innovative and sustainable research fit for the 21st century. This requires the realization of diversity on all levels and the establishment of structures that foster innovation through the promotion of wider participation in research.

Diversity in teaching
Both the student and teaching bodies at the University of Bonn are becoming increasingly diverse, driven by the implementation of the requirements of the German Anti-Discrimination Act and the emphasis placed by University admissions policy on characteristics such as family circumstances, German language proficiency and university entrance qualification.
The University of Bonn prioritizes the creation of structures conducive to diversity-oriented teaching and which foster a general atmosphere in which individuals feel valued and are able to learn and develop.

The Strengthen the Equal Opportunity Process (STEP) program is dedicated to recruiting women early-career researchers and professors and furthering the career of women researchers at all levels.
University of Bonn Reference Framework for Gender Equality 2022–2026
Universities are required by Section 5 of the Gender Equality Act for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (LGG NRW) to issue a framework for gender equality for a period of three to five years. At the University of Bonn, this consists of a framework plan for gender equality, which defines the goals of the entire university, as well as the equality plans of the faculties, the central institutions and the administration.
The reference framework as well as all equality plans of the faculties, the central institutions and the administration, can be viewed here.

Diversity and cluster-application
In the summer of 2022, the DFG expanded its "Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality" to include the aspect of diversity and developed them into the "Research-Oriented Equity and Diversity Standards". We have summarised the most important information on a diversity-sensitive application for you on our Confluence page.
Research centers addressing aspects of diversity

The Center for Diversity Research in Teaching (ZeDiL) is a central research unit tasked with conducting research into diversity in university teaching.
Joint Research Unit Diversity
This new research unit has been set up as a University-wide point of contact for all existing and future research projects.
BZL – DiversiTeach project
Run by the Bonn Center for Teacher Education (BZL), a key task of this project is to raise awareness amongst students for the challenges faced by migrants in a school environment.
The Research Group for Theological Gender Studies
The research and teaching of the Research Group for Theological Gender Studies addresses the significance of gender studies for Catholic theology.
Forum Internationale Wissenschaft (FIW)
One of the seven leading questions which the Department of Democracy Research was set up to address is the semantics and practices of individual and collective inclusion in a modern democracy.
Internal services for researchers & teachers
Office for Gender Equality
The Gender Equality Commissioner
provides advice and support to University staff in all issues of gender equality.
Office of Family Services
The Office of Family Services advises staff and students seeking to combine family responsibilities with their studies and career.
International Office
The International Office is the central point of contact for international students and researchers.
Representation for disabled employees
The Representative for severely disabled employees provides advice and support aimed at the realization of inclusion in the workplace.
External services for research and diversity
The German Research Foundation (DFG)
A program by the DFG with focus on the significance of diversity in research
Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation
A magazine on the topic "Why science needs more diversity".
The Centre for Competence Development for Diversity Management presents a collection of toolboxes on the topic of diversity.
Inclusive research design
Inclusive design – why intersectionality matters
Bild © TU Wien TV / YouTube
Inclusive research design is becoming increasingly important at German universities. According to the DFG, the inclusion of different gender and diversity dimensions in basic research is particularly important, regardless of the discipline. In this way, the data obtained remain transferable and are not limited in their usefulness to just one group of people. In order to achieve a higher quality of research results, the consideration of a diverse group of people is already of great importance in the development of research questions, hypotheses and theories.
TU Wien explains in a short video why research must include people in their diversity.
Further services from the University of Bonn for researchers and teachers
Established in 2017, the Maria von Linden training program is open to all women early-career researchers at the University of Bonn. The program organizes career planning events for students considering a career both in and after academia.
The Argelander Competence Center offers a comprehensive range of support to early-career researchers. Together, the various institutions of the Competence Center offer the Argelander Program for Early-Career Researchers, which targets doctoral students and postdocs.
Argelander scholarships are awarded to doctoral students predominantly from Africa, Latin America and South (East) Asia to enable them to study at the University of Bonn for between three and 12 months.
Researchers predominantly from Africa, Latin America and South (East) Asia with a research focus in the area of Sustainable Development Goals are invited to work together with a Professor from the University of Bonn to conduct research and teach at the University of Bonn for one or two semesters.
This scholarship is awarded to doctoral students from Africa, Asia and Latin America (see DAC list) at the University of Bonn and who are about to complete their dissertation project.
The University of Bonn provides parents in the final phase of their bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral studies with financial support for a limited period of time. The grant is awarded to students with childcare responsibilities to enable them to dedicate more time to their thesis.
The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences supports women early-career researchers during pregnancy and the breastfeeding period by funding additional measures (e.g. childcare).
Every year, the Gender Equality Office awards funding to three intersectionality projects aimed at promoting the structural integration of gender equality in the faculties. Faculties, individual institutes, departments and other institutions and units at the University of Bonn may apply for funding.
Aimed at early-career researchers, the MeTra program organizes training courses, arranges mentors and organizes regular networking events.
Would you like to meet new people? Would you like to advance your academic career? Are you looking to establish a network? Run by the International Office, the “Pro-Motion” project provides a comprehensive range of counseling and support services to help international doctoral students before and during their doctoral degrees and seeks to promote intercultural skills, networking and integration.
The Competence Center for International Science Cooperation (KIWi) addresses universities and science institutions with the new "KIWi Compass". The DAAD would like to win universities for an independent risk and opportunity assessment when cooperating with international partners and offers orientation and decision support with the criteria catalog presented here.
The web page of the University of Bonn’s representative for students with disabilities lists a range of institutions that assist with barrier-free teaching materials and provide students with guidance and advice in this area.
The various University faith associations organize common worship and a range of activities such as music groups, theater groups, discussions, lectures and film screenings and welcome new members. Some of the groups even provide accommodation.
Offers for refugee researchers
The University of Bonn supports researchers who have fled to Germany because of the war in Ukraine. Both the Welcome Center and the Research Funding Department can advise you on scholarships and other funding measures.
The goal of the Cologne/Bonn Academy is to support renowned scientists who had to flee due to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. In addition to researchers from Ukraine, this can also include researchers from Russia and Belarus who are being persecuted for their opposition to the war.
The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) supports scientists who have fled their home countries by making it easier for them to collaborate in research projects and to apply for funding under the Walter Benjamin Program.
Equal Opportunity and Diversity Unit
This unit provides the Rectorate with advice and support in its efforts to establish and develop concepts designed to promote equal opportunity and diversity.
See also
Vice Rectorate for Equal Opportunity and Diversity
Professor Dr. Irmgard Förster was appointed as Vice Rector for Equal Opportunity and Diversity in 2021.
Vice Rectorate for Sustainability
Professor Dr. Annette Scheersoi is the Vice Rector for Sustainability.
Vice Rectorate for International Affairs
Professor Dr. Birgit Ulrike Münch is the Vice Rector for International Affairs.