Working together

Diversity in Management and Administration

The University of Bonn is committed to taking action within the scope of its diversity strategy to ensure good working conditions, continuing professional development, reliable career perspectives and needs-driven services. A wide range of services and contact points as well as further training opportunities are presented here.

A group of people watching a presentation
© Colourbox

Human Resource Development

The University of Bonn is committed to promoting life-long learning amongst its staff as a central aspect of educational fairness. The staff development web page gives a range of information and advice on to how to approach your personal and professional development.

Large and small feet with colorful socks sticking out from under the covers
© Colourbox

Office of Family Services

Do changes in your family situation mean that you need advice or support about issues such as maternity protection, parental leave, caring for dependents and family benefits? The Office of Family Services is happy to help.

Two women talking to each other at a meeting
© Colourbox

Equal Opportunities

The Gender Equality Office provides advice and support to all members of staff relating to issues of gender equality. This includes all forms of gender-based discrimination.

A rainbow flag flying before a blue sky
© Colourbox

LGBTQIA* Contact Point

The LGBTQIA* contact point in the Gender Equality Office is open to all members and affiliates of the University who need advice on or have questions about LGBTQIA* issues.

A parking spot for walking impaired people
© Colourbox

Representative for severely disabled employees

Do physical or mental challenges mean that you need support in coping with your daily work routine? The Representative for severely disabled employees is happy to provide advice and support.

Conflict mediation

Do you find yourself in a conflict with your team or superior and feel overwhelmed? The Staff Advice Point is happy to provide advice and support.

Further services for University staff

Coordinated by Human Resource Development and the International Office, the Erasmus staff mobility program provides staff with the opportunity to complete a placement at a European partner university or company. Participation in this project is part of the  staff Intercultural Competence Certificate.

Further information

A stay abroad via the programme is also possible with children. In this podcast, a lecturer from Bonn and his daughter talk about their experience of spending two weeks at the University of Zagreb.

To the podcast (German)

The Diversity Unit offers networks that are intended to provide an informal place for employees to come together on a voluntary basis to share common interests, goals or experiences. You can join the Queer Employee Network or the BIPoC Employee Network.

Further information

The various University faith associations organize common worship and a range of activities such as music groups, theater groups, discussions, lectures and film screenings and welcome new members. Some of the groups even provide accommodation.

Further information

The University health management strategy provides a range of services and content to make the working life of university staff healthier and more mindful, whilst ensuring the best-possible working atmosphere. This provision encompasses both physical and mental health as well as measures to ensure a healthy social climate.

Further information

Events for members of the technical and administrative staff
Unconscious bias in appointment committees
Online via Zoom
01:00 PM - 04:00 PM
The workshop is aimed at members of current or future appointment committees. All status groups are addressed, especially professors. The event is based on an ...


Equal Opportunity and Diversity Unit

This unit provides the Rectorate with advice and support in its efforts to establish and develop concepts designed to promote equal opportunity and diversity.


+49 228 73 5818


Dechenstraße 3-11
D-53115 Bonn

See also

Vice Rectorate for Equal Opportunity and Diversity

Professor Dr. Irmgard Förster was appointed as Vice Rector for Equal Opportunity and Diversity in 2021.

Vice Rectorate for Sustainability

Professor Dr. Annette Scheersoi is the Vice Rector for Sustainability.

Vice Rectorate for International Affairs

Professor Dr. Birgit Ulrike Münch is the Vice Rector for International Affairs.

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