Counseling regarding racism for students
Dealing with (structural) racism and discrimination is a challenge that German universities, including the University of Bonn, face. Racism is a topic that should be looked at intersectionally. In order to take a stance against racism, the university has to critically deal with forms of everyday racism, racism within institutional practices and racism as a (possible) component of teaching and research. When students are affected by racism, counseling can help.
Contents of counseling sessions
Topics of counseling can be, for example:
- A concrete discriminatory situation has happened or is happening repeatedly.
- Stresses and reactions triggered by discrimination or position at the university
- Fears and worries, especially in relation to experiences of discrimination
- Reflection and discussion of own emotions and mental state
- Support in the development of strategies and measures for dealing with the situation
The offer is only available to students of the University of Bonn who position themselves as Black Indigenous People of Colour or have experienced racism. It is not necessary that a concrete discriminatory situation has occurred.
Appointments can be made by email and will take place online for now. All emails are read only by Eden and, just like the consultations, are subject to confidentiality. This means no information will be shared with others without the student's consent.
Eden Abrehet
The one-on-one counseling sessions regarding racism are conducted by Eden Abrehet (she/her), psychological counselor and trainer for empowerment and anti-discrimination.
Eden as an external consultant offers you to talk about racist incidents or stresses due to racist discrimination in the university context. She creates a space for you to reflect on your experiences and supports you in the development of suitable individual strategies and options for action. She also develops future measures for the University of Bonn.
Counseling languages are German, English, Tigrinya ትግርኛ

ኤደን ኪርሽነር:ኣብ ቦን ዝርከቡ :ናይ ዩኒቨርስቲ ተመሃሮ:ናይ ዓሌታዊ ተጸባእነት ዝገጠሞም ተመሃሮ ኣማኻሪት ኢያ።
ከምዚ ጸገማት ዝገጠመኩም ወይ ብዛዕባ ተመክሮኹም ክትዛረቡ ድልየት ዘለኩም:ንኤደን ብኢመይል ክተረኽቡኒ ትኽእሉ። ኩሉ መልእኽትታትኩም ከምኡ ውን ሓበረታትኩም ብምስጢር ክትሓዝ ኢዩ:ንማንም ኣሕሊፍካ ዝውሃብ ኣይኮነን።
ቆጸራ ብኢመይል ክግበር ይከኣል።
Appointments can be made by email and are currently held online. All emails are read only by Eden Abrehet and are subject to confidentiality, just like the counseling sessions. This means that no information will be shared with others without consent.