Taking action against abuse of power
The University of Bonn is committed to helping combat academic misconduct and to promoting a safe, respectful, appreciative and mutually trusting environment for all university members and staff. This includes continuing to encourage victims and witnesses to report cases of abuse of power and to defend themselves as far as possible.
University Representative against Abuse of Power
In order to further implement a consistent approach against abuse of power, the university management has appointed Prof Dr Torsten Verrel as the provisional University Representative against Abuse of Power. The University Representative advises the Rectorate and the faculties and is available as a point of contact for counsellors in cases of abuse of power. He can also be contacted directly for a personal consultation by anyone who feels affected by abuse of power.
The tasks of the University Representative against Abuse of Power include
- Advising the university management and faculties on processes, possible control mechanisms and channels of appeal in the area of abuse of power,
- Internal counselling in cases of abuse of power,
- Support in the further development of measures against abuse of power,
- Monitoring the evaluation of implemented measures.
Prof. Dr. Torsten Verrel
Counseling centers for affected persons
The adjacent PDF document lists the most important internal university counseling centers to which employees and students can turn in cases of discrimination and abuse of power, taking into account the respective area of responsibility of the counseling center.
Anti-Discrimination Office
This office accepts complaints from employees, students and third parties who have been discriminated against due to their ethnic or racial background, gender, religion or belief, disability, their age or sexual identity.
Ombudsperson Office for Early-Career Researchers
The Ombudsperson Office for Early-Career Researchers is an office for independent counseling, reconciliation, and mediation that helps doctoral students, postdoctoral researchers, and supervisors navigate challenges and conflicts.
Ombudsperson for suspected cases of scientific misconduct
The Ombudsperson is the first point of contact in cases of suspected academic misconduct. He ensures that the principles for the procedure in cases of suspected academic misconduct in the Regulations for Ensuring Good Research Practice at the University of Bonn are adhered to.
Prof Dr Klaus F. Gärditz
Phone: 0228 73 9176
Email: gaerditz@jura.uni-bonn.de