Diversity Days 2022

On May 31, 2022, the nationwide Diversity Day, initiated by the Diversity Charter, took place for the 10th time. The University of Bonn celebrated the Diversity Days from May 30 to June 1 to mark this occasion. The three days were organized by the Equal Opportunity and Diversity Unit and the Vice Rectorate for Equal Opportunity and Diversity in cooperation with the Office of Family Services.

Research Focus Diversity

The Diversity Days 2022 were kicked off with the opening of the poster exhibition "Research Focus on Diversity" on May 30. Researchers from many different faculties presented their work and research projects - with posters - in the form of elevator pitches to a broad audience at the ULB (University and State Library Bonn). The speakers' topics covered a wide variety of research issues regarding diversity. Following the event, the researchers were invited to interact and network with other members of the university and external guests.

The poster exhibition "Research Focus on Diversity" can be viewed until June 30 at the ULB or in a digital format here.

A crowd of people watching the rector talk before the poster presentation.
© Volker Lannert / Universität Bonn
A close-up of the communal art project "What does diversity mean to you?"
© Stabsstelle Chancengerechtigkeit und Diversität

Fair of Opportunities

On the nationwide Diversity Day (May 31), initiated by the Diversity Charter, around 20 initiatives working for more equal opportunities and diversity at the University of Bonn presented themselves at the Fair of Opportunities in the Arkadenhof. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., students and employees were invited to learn more about the offers, e.g. of the autonomous LGBTQ department, the representative for severely disabled employees, the Carrer Service as well as many other offices. Visitors were also able to participat in numerous activities offered by the exhibitors and make suggestions for future projects. The Fair of Opportunities also focused on enabling networking between employees, students and important contact points at the university.

Diversity and Family

The series of events concluded with the theme day "Diversity and Family at the University of Bonn". On the last day, experts took part in a panel discussion on the changing family structure and visitors were able to discuss with the panel the opportunities and challenges that different family models face in everyday life. Systemic and structural discrimination were also discussed.

Several speakers on a podium, talking about diverse families.
© Volker Lannert / Universität Bonn

Diversity Ralley Winners

At the Fair of Opportunities, visitors were able to take part in a diversity rally, which led them to many activities and exhibitors. Book vouchers could be won by three participants of the rally. The winners have been notified. We thank everyone who participated!

Digital Poster Exhibition

The poster exhibition "Research Focus Diversity" includes the works of 14 researchers from different fields of the University of Bonn. Many dimensions of diversity as a research topic are examined and explored from various perspectives.

Lecture "The Diversity Imperative"

As a thematic introduction to the poster presentation, Prof. Dr. Kaldewey, Professor of Science Research and Policy, gave a keynote lecture titled "Varianten des Diversitätsimperativs im Wissenschaftssystem der Gegenwart“ ("Variants of the Diversity Imperative in the Contemporary Science System"). The lecture addresses the global diversity imperative at universities and in research as well as its institutionalization and various interpretations. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Kaldewey questions whether one can speak of a universal diversity imperative at all. You can watch a recording of the lecture here. 

Vortrag Prof. Dr. Kaldewey Diversity Days

A graphic of two owls sitting on books.
© Colourbox

Diversity Bibliography

The Bonn University and State Library (ULB) has also participated in the Diversity Days. Not only as a venue for the exhibition "Research Focus Diversity". The ULB team has also compiled an extensive list of books on various diversity dimensions.

Cover of the WiS LIMES Podcast
© WiS

Women in Science Podcast

Here are a few more acoustic impressions of this year's Diversity Days: In issue 7, the Women in Science Podcast talks to various participants of the Diversity Days about the goals of their respective organizations. The topics "Health and Sustainability" and "Women and family" are discussed partly in English, partly in German. In issue 8, the focus is on “International & Students and university development”

Listen to the podcast here.

Pictures from all three Diversity Days

Contact and Organisation

Avatar Hollstegge

Anna Hollstegge

Head of Unit

Poppelsdorfer Allee 24

53115 Bonn

If you have any questions, please contact the teams of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity (chancengerechtigkeit@uni-bonn.de) and the Family Office (familienbuero@uni-bonn.de).


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