Fair of Opportunities
At the "Fair of Opportunities", around 20 diversity-related initiatives and contact points will present themselves in the Arkadenhof of the main building and will offer information on their various projects as well as opportunities to participate. Visit us to talk to the representatives of the participating initiatives and to contribute your perspective.

Studying with disability
Students who are impaired in their studies due to a chronic physical and/or mental illness or disability can find advice and assistance from the Representative for Students with Disabilities and/or Chronic Illnesses.
The counseling is confidential and solution-oriented regarding possible support offers and individual compensatory measures for studies with impairments (especially regarding compensation for disadvantages in the application and admission to studies, in studies and in study and examination performance). All in the sense of a self-determined and successful study with or despite a disabilty!

Sustainability concerns all of us! The creation of a prorectorate and a staff position for sustainability particularly emphasizes the importance of the topic for our university. So it should be comprehensively integrated into research, teaching and administration.
"Team N" (the "N" stands for "Nachhaltigkeit") looks forward to advancing the issue of sustainability at our university together with all of its members."

The Center for Diversity Research in Teaching (ZeDiL) is a central scientific institution of the University of Bonn for research on diversity in university teaching.
The goal of ZeDiL is the further development of diversity-related teaching at the university through research and consulting. To this end, the center's team develops didactic concepts, carries out projects such as workshops or conferences, and promotes, accompanies and guides research work on the topic.

LGBTQ Department
The LGBTQ Department from students for students welcomes everyone who is marginalized because of their sexual, romantic, and/or gender identity.
Our work is mainly grounded in two different approaches: on one hand, we offer political education work on topics of sexual, romantic and gender diversity from an intersectional perspective– an offer open to anyone who is interested. On the other hand, we host a variety of social events to enhance community building. Visitors who are not (or no longer) students are welcome at our events as well!

Women Connect
To further increase the number of female scientists on the upper career levels, Women Connect offers female scientists of the involved associations a diverse range of workshops, seminars, and lectures.
Women Connect is an umbrella of different research associations (TRR259, TRR237, Cluster ImmunoSensation2, IRTG2168, and SFB1454). On the one hand, with workshops specially tailored to female scientists, we cover topics like career planning, time and project management, work-life balance, and training for appointment procedures. On the other hand, we want to provide a platform for exchanging experiences and expanding the network among each other.

Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service
The Central Study Advisory and Counseling Service (Zentrale Studienberatung, ZSB) is the University’s first contact point for all questions surrounding the Universitiy’s majors and studies.
We provide information and guidance to (prospective) students in all matters related to choosing a degree program, getting started at university and managing their studies. As a coordinating unit within the advisory network of the University of Bonn, we closely cooperate with the central advisory and service points, the faculties and the student representatives. We are also happy to act as a “signpost” and refer you to the right contact to help with your inquiry.

MitSprache is a program of the University of Bonn, which is run by the Department of Intercultural Communication and Multilingualism Research in cooperation with the Caritas association in Bonn.
The program sees language as the key to the integration of new immigrants, enabling educational opportunities and social "Mit-Sprache", or participation. The program focuses on the integration and inclusion of young people of international origin who have newly arrived in Germany and are interested in studying or vocational training.

Women in Science (WiS)
The mission of the LIMES Institute's Women in Science (WiS) committee is to improve the prospects for women in academia and to move progressively from awareness to the transformation of framework conditions for more equality of women in science.
We are a group of women from different countries with different scientific backgrounds and various career levels working at the LIMES Institute. We plan and organize scientific talks, seminars, and podcasts on the most relevant scientific topics. In addition, we exchange ideas on promoting inter-institutional scientific exchange, talent development, and appropriate childcare. Furthermore, we encourage and offer measures for a stable balance between work and personal life, career planning, and training workshops.
At the Fair of Opportunities, we will present the results of our WiS poll, a feedback questionnaire targeting all LIMES Insitute members which aims to enhance the Insitute’s future projects and processes and will be a fundamental pillar for our future actions as a WiS committee.

Vice Rectorate for International Affairs
The Vice Rectorate for International Affairs is responsible for the internationalization strategy of the University of Bonn. In addition to the expansion of cooperations with partners worldwide, this also includes the promotion of cultural diversity.

Diversity Research Center & AG Diversity
The Diversity Research Center reviews existing diversity-oriented research at the university and promotes interdisciplinary exchange through networking between academics and actors from the political arena.
In addition, the research unit itself conducts research on diversity-oriented issues and transfers scientific findings to the public.
The Diversity Working Group (AG Diversity) brings the topic of diversity to projects, workshops and activities within the faculty, the university, and the work place, and also has an impact on the city. Students, employees and citizens of Bonn can network with each other and start a conversation; the members of the WG set impulses and establish sustainable structures.
Both institutions are located at the Faculty of Humanities.

With the project "Inklusion im und durch den Hochschulsport" (Inclusion in and through University Sports), the University Sports Department would like to promote university-wide inclusion through the joint practice of various sports.

Vice Rectorate for Learning, Teaching and University Development
The Vice Rectorate for Learning, Teaching and University Development is responsible for fundamental and inter-faculty matters in the areas of studies and teaching. They are promoting a project fund for more inclusion ...
It works closely with the Bonn Center for University Teaching, which as a central operating unit (in cooperation with internal and external partners) provides cross-faculty consulting, support and services for core tasks in the area of studying and teaching. The Center is also responsible for the fundamental structural and developmental planning of the university across all faculties.

Bonn Graduate Center
The University of Bonn offers a wide range of opportunities for professional and personal development: The Argelander Program for Young Scientists e.g. provides comprehensive support, tailored to the interests and career stages of young scientists.
A well-founded qualification offer, individual consulting and funding lines enable you as an independent scientist to develop and pursue your own research ideas.
In addition, we support all employees in their personal growth with target group-specific training, coaching, mentoring, language courses, certificate programs, e-learning and individual qualifications.
Get to know the program of the Bonn Graduate Center and Human Resources Development!

International Students Department
The International Students Department of the AStA informs and advises international students and accompanies them through all aspects of their new life in Bonn.
The multilingual team of the department consists of international students who draw on their own experiences in Germany in their work. Via email or telephone, they offer support in finding solutions to social, legal, cultural and political problems. Social events such as the Sprachcafé International or the No Worries Feel Good Sessions are also part of the department's offer.

Representative for severely disabled employees
Employees who are severely impaired due to a chronic physical and/or mental illness or disability can turn to the representative of severely disabled employees and their deputies for advice and assistance. They advise and represent severely disabled colleagues and their peers with the aim of inclusion in the workplace.

Special Olympics NRW
Special Olympics NRW is the NRW state association of the world's largest sports movement for people with intellectual and multiple disabilities, officially recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). They promote the Special Olympics Event that will take place in Bonn in September 2022.
Founded in 1968 by Eunice Kennedy-Shriver, a sister of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, Special Olympics today has 5.2 million athletes in 174 countries. Sports events in more than 20 individual and team sports are offered throughout the year - the major highlights are the Special Olympics State Games, the National Games and the World Games, which will be held in Germany, in Berlin, for the first time in 2023.

Vice Rectorate for Equal Opportunity and Diversity
The University of Bonn would like to promote equal opportunities in academia, especially for students. For that reason the vice rectorate and the unit for Equal Opportunities and Diversity invite you to join the Fair of Opportunities in order to show your perspective!
The Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity is the central point of contact for students and employees, and promotes and coordinates the necessary framework to make everyday life at the university more inclusive and to recognize, value and promote the individuality of each person to the best of their ability, regardless of ethnic origin, gender, disability, religion or belief, age or sexual identity.

Office of Family Services
The Office of Family Services contributes to a better compatibility of science/career/studies and family. They provide advice to employees and students around the topics of childcare, maternity protection, parental leave, care of relatives and more.

Campus International
The International Affairs Department coordinates international activities at the University of Bonn. The department is a central point of contact for students and researchers from abroad - before, during and after their time at the University of Bonn.
At the same time, it supports Bonn students and researchers in all matters of international mobility and cooperation. The program for the "Promotion of Integration into Studies" (FdIS) aims to prepare refugees interested in studying for possible future studies at the University of Bonn and to familiarize them with everyday study life.

Healthy Campus Bonn
Healthy Campus Bonn is the health management at the University of Bonn and invites all members of the university to participate in the design of a healthy study and work environment with the motto "Study, research, teach and work healthy together!". On the website you will find numerous free offers, events and information on the topics of mental, physical and social health.
Booth plan

Anna Hollstegge
Dechenstraße 3-11
53115 Bonn