Media campaign: Making diversity visible and audible
Over the past weeks, we shone a spotlight on the topic of diversity at the University of Bonn. On university platforms such as YouTube, Instagram and the university podcast ‘forsch gelesen’, inspiring videos and podcasts were posted weekly to pique your curiosity.
Did you know, for example, that our university has its own daycare centre? Or that we offer external racism-critical counselling to promote a discrimination-sensitive environment? We also looked at how we can rethink the concept of family and how University Sports supports students with disabilities.
You can find fascinating insights on these and other topics here on this page.
Making diversity visible and audible | Trailer
Diversität sicht- und hörbar machen! | Stabsstelle Chancengerechtigkeit und Diversität an der Universität Bonn
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In this video, you will learn about the different services offered at our University and get to know key stakeholders as well as supporters and experts from various disciplines. Did you know, for example, that the University of Bonn provides counseling regarding racism or that University Sports also offers courses for people with disabilities? We’ll also introduce tools that can be used for creating accessible video games or show a family set-up from a queer perspective.

Campaign Goals
We want to increase the visibility of the topic of equal opportunities and diversity and introduce the cooperation partners of the staff unit and the Vice-Rectorate. Only together can we make the University of Bonn a place where everyone feels valued - a place where we are sensitive to discrimination. We are therefore delighted to announce our media campaign, which has been made possible by funding from the German Rectors' Conference (HRK).
This campaign not only presents the work of the Equal Opportunitiy and Diversity Unit and the Vice-Rectorate, but also focuses on the topic of diversity at the University of Bonn. Our aim is to sensitise students, staff, lecturers and researchers alike to the topic of diversity and to highlight the variety of offers and research projects in this area.
Only together can we create a diversity-sensitive, open university culture. We therefore want to work together to create a university where everyone has even more opportunities.
We look forward to your support and feedback.
Your team from the Equal Opportunity and Diversity Unit and the Vice-Rectorate
Promoting diversity through networking
Educational equity, protection against discrimination, family friendliness, gender equality, inclusion and participation: These are the five key topics of the University of Bonn's diversity work. In this video, Naomi Salbert, Vice-Rector Irmgard Förster and Anna Hollstegge talk about the opportunities and challenges that diversity work entails and what personal experiences drive them in their work.
Vielfalt fördern durch Vernetzung | Warum sich die Universität Bonn für mehr Chancengerechtigkeit einsetzt.
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Was bedeutet Vielfalt für dich?
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What does diversity mean to you?
What does diversity mean to you? Mia asked students on campus. This survey gives a small impression of what our university members understand by diversity and how different the perspectives on it can be.
Inclusion and participation
Diversity in University Sports—exercising together
Laurenz Hammerschlag and Katrin Böttcher organise inclusive university sports at the University of Bonn.
The sports programmes are designed so that everyone can take part. The two are also contact persons for sexual discrimination in sport.
Vielfalt im Hochschulsport - gemeinsam aktiv sein
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Participation in Gaming. A podcast on accessibility, featuring Professor Adrian Hermann
Professor Adrian Hermann conducts research on human/machine/world interaction with regard to accessibility. He also studies on the topic of gaming labs and accessibility.
In this podcast, he provides an insight into the world of gaming for people with disabilities and also touches on accessibility as a social issue, describing both current realities and visions of the future.
Family friendliness
Childcare at the University of Bonn
Insider tip for parents: As a family-friendly institution, the University of Bonn offers childcare for staff and students, including afternoons and other off-peak times. This video presents a special offer for University of Bonn students and staff members who have children.
Kinder St.E.R.N. is the name of our childcare offering for student parents in the afternoons and off-peak times—available to University of Bonn staff as well. In the video, Laura Möckel talks about how to sign your child up and the hours childcare is provided.
Kinderbetreuung an der Uni Bonn
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Is it time to think about the idea of “family” in a different way? A podcast with Sascha Sistenich on family-friendliness and caregiving from the queer perspective.
Sascha Sistenich explores the queer perspective on caregiving in a much broader-than-usual way. Sascha sees his work as playing an important social role, viewing ‘caregiving’ as a societal core value. He discusses the role of caregiving in the lives of queer individuals, and why the same issues are relevant for non-queer people as well.
Anti-racism counseling at the University of Bonn
Eden Abrehet provides counseling to students who have experienced racism and discrimination. She knows how much stress incidents of racism and discrimination can create in people’s lives, and is able to suggest concrete ways of coping.
Rassismuskritische Beratung an der Uni Bonn
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How museums can dismantle colonial perceptions. Prof Dr Julia Binter talks about knowledge justice and Namibian cultural assets.
Junior Professor Dr Julia Binter investigates cooperative research on cultural assets from colonial contexts in museums. She accompanies the restitution of cultural assets from Germany to Namibia with the question: How can knowledge creation in museums and cultural heritage be made more sustainable and fair? German colonial history still characterises our understanding of Namibian art today. The returned cultural artefacts tell their own story.
We also spoke to an expert from Namibia, Golda Ha-Eiros, who impressively explains the value of these cultural artefacts for her ancestors, for herself and for the next generation.
Educational equity
Language connects | MitSprache project promoting integration
The “MitSprache” project promotes educational equity at the University of Bonn. Individuals with an immigration background learn German through fun didactic methods. MitSprache program coordinator Andreas Fischer motivates his students to engage with each other through team play exercises. The MitSprache project is designed to promote educational justice at the University of Bonn. Individuals with an immigration background learn German through fun didactic methods. MitSprache program coordinator Andreas Fischer motivates his students to engage with each other through team play exercises.
Interested in getting involved in MitSprache? Then click here.
Sprache verbindet | Projekt MitSprache fördert Integration
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Working towards diversity, equity, and inclusion: Dima Al Munajed on her experiences in an international teaching and research setting.
Dima Al Munajed speaks about the chances and the difficulties which can arise when students and researchers from different cultures and backgrounds study and research together.
Dima is Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator at the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies. In her role, she also advises students and researchers from abroad how to start their research and studies at the University of Bonn and how to settle in. Based on her own experiences she knows very well how they feel and how to support them.
Gender equality
Free menstrual products to enable greater participation
Here we are reporting on a project initiated by the student body that has got other universities interested in following suit: free menstrual products for students, which the University of Bonn has offered since 2022. The following video reveals above all how realizing a project can be easy once the commitment is there, and you have the right partners to rely on. We talked to Sven Linke, head of the Maintenance Cleaning and Security Unit, while out doing his work and found out about how the idea arose and came to fruition.
Kostenlose Menstruationsprodukte für mehr Teilhabe
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Church and gender in historical context. Sister Jakoba talks about her research on gender and theology
Gender studies and Catholicism may appear to not really go together, but the University of Bonn in fact has a Research Group for Theological Gender Studies, where Sister Jakoba is a research associate. We talked to her about the Church’s complex relationship with gender throughout its history. Of interest is how this history informs debate today, both within the Church and on the larger socio-political level.
Naomi Salbert
Dechenstraße 3-11
53115 Bonn