06. February 2024

Order new posters and postcards to advertise quiet and retreat areas Order new posters and postcards to advertise quiet and retreat areas

As part of the "Inclusive University" funding initiative of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, quiet and refuge rooms for students have been set up at the University of Bonn. In order to make these spaces appealing, we have had posters/postcards designed that draw attention to the university's counselling services on the subject of inclusion and (mental) health.

Final_UniBonn-Ruheräume-Poster_2023-0108_231116-GER.png © Universität Bonn
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The posters and postcards can be ordered from the Equal Opportunity and Diversity Unit (email chancengerechtigkeit@uni-bonn.de), stating the number required, and can be displayed in places within the university where they will be seen by as many students as possible. Thereby we would like to increase the visibility of already existing offers.

If you know of other possible quiet and refuge areas, please let us know their locations. It is also still possible to use the funds from "Inclusive University" to set up quiet and refuge rooms or to finance equipment.

Julia Lindenberg
+49 228 73 54464

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