As a preliminary conclusion, the participants would like to see further targeted support for underrepresented groups of people - such as women - in many areas of the university as well as even more comprehensive awareness of the topic of gender diversity and educational measures such as training courses on this topic at the university. This also includes ensuring that more diverse academic career paths are accepted so that more diverse teams work together under gender- and diversity-sensitive leadership. Both the appreciation of role models and allyship, i.e. solidarity between more privileged and less privileged members of the university, pave the way for a university culture that values diversity.
However, very specific measures were also discussed, such as anti-bias training for all status groups, the establishment of additional all-gender WCs, gender-sensitive (pictoral) language and working with awareness concepts.
The results of the discussions will be analysed and incorporated into further planning and strategic considerations, such as the further development of the University of Bonn's diversity strategy, after the end of the project.