25. April 2024

Media campaign "Making diversity visible and audible" launches Media campaign "Making diversity visible and audible" launches

Over the coming weeks, we will shine a spotlight on the topic of diversity at the University of Bonn. On university platforms such as YouTube, Instagram and the university podcast ‘forsch gelesen’, you can expect inspiring videos and podcasts to pique your curiosity.

You can expect fascinating insights on these and other topics! You can find all the videos and podcasts on this page. To make sure you don't miss any highlights, we'll keep you up to date with regular Instagram stories!

Lernt Diversität an der Uni Bonn kennen!
Lernt Diversität an der Uni Bonn kennen! © Universität Bonn
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We want to increase the visibility of the topic of equal opportunities and diversity and introduce the cooperation partners of the staff unit and the Vice-Rectorate. Only together can we make the University of Bonn a place where everyone feels valued - a place where we are sensitive to discrimination. We are therefore delighted to announce our media campaign, which has been made possible by funding from the German Rectors' Conference (HRK).

This campaign will not only present the work of the Equal Opportunitiy and Diversity Unit and the Vice-Rectorate, but will also focus on the topic of diversity at the University of Bonn. Our aim is to sensitise students, staff, lecturers and researchers alike to the topic of diversity and to highlight the variety of offers and research projects in this area.

Only together can we create a diversity-sensitive, open university culture. We therefore want to work together to create a university where everyone has even more opportunities.

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