Support programs

Welcome to the overview page of the funding programs of the Equal Opportunity and Diversity Unit. Here, university members can find an overview of programs at the University of Bonn that ensure more equal opportunities and thus contribute to the implementation of the Strategy for Excellence.

Eine sich windende Straße aus der Vogelperspektive
© Stabsstelle Chancengerechtigkeit und Diversität

Pathways to Research Program

The new Pathways to Research program which started in the summer semester of 2023 supports pupils, students and doctoral students with a refugee or migrant background through various measures.

Eine Frau geht eine Treppe nach obem
© Stabsstelle Chancengerechtigkeit und Diversität

STEP Program

The University-wide Strengthening the Equal Opportunity Process (STEP) program is dedicated to recruiting early-career researchers and professors and for promoting researchers at all career stages.



Avatar Hollstegge

Anna Hollstegge

Head of Unit

Dechenstraße 3-11

53115 Bonn


Avatar Hues

Daina Hues

Project management

Dechenstraße 3-11

53115 Bonn

Wird geladen