Connect in Science Workshop
What is the purpose of this funded initiative?
The Connect in Science workshops at the University of Bonn offer young female researchers a platform for presenting their research in an environment that stimulates academic cooperation and discussion. The funding helps supported researchers develop attractive events, either in person or in digital form, to present their specializations and then invite esteemed colleagues to attend. The interaction and personal discussions set the stage optimally for networking within the own academic community, and for promoting one's own academic career.
What does the funding include?
All costs related to the workshops on research-oriented topics will be funded. The University provides flexible funds for the development, professional preparation and execution of digital workshops, including rent and purchase of suitable hardware and software, invitations for female guest speakers, travel and accommodation expenses for participating female researchers, execution of the 2-4 day workshops, basic catering costs in the event of an on-site event (drinks and snacks/small meals) as well as childcare services. Funding for a shared dinner or small reception with external guests is possible based on the current catering guidelines. Total catering costs should not exceed 15% of the overall application sum. The financial framework for a Connect in Science workshop should not normally exceed EUR 10,000. Proper justification must be provided if an exception is being requested.

Apply for funding
Please use the following application form for all application submissions: Connect in Science Workshop.
Who is eligible to apply?
Application is made by one or more female professors or postdoctoral researchers from the University of Bonn. Note that this is not intended to exclude co-organization of the potential activities by doctoral students or researchers at other universities; to the contrary, such collaborations are explicitly desired.
What documents are needed to apply?
- Short supporting letter incl. preliminary concept and program with explanation of goals for the planned workshop
- Tabular curriculum vitae, incl. research orientation and index of publications, for the female researcher(s) applying for funding
- List of costs, broken down into travel and food costs as well as staff and operating funds
What are the selection criteria for appointment?
- Clearly formulated goal for the workshop
- Academic quality, originality and innovative potential of the workshop
- Integration of the workshop into the research strategy at the University of Bonn
- Importance of the workshop for the research projects of the participating female researchers
What is the deadline for applying?
Applications for the following year can be submitted until 30.11. of the previous year.
Contact for questions
Anna Hollstegge
Head of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Unit