Funding for Women in Postdoctoral Research Programs
What is the purpose of this funding?
The goal of Funding for Women in Postdoctoral Research Programs is to build strong bonds between excellent female researchers and the University while they are still in the qualification phase, thus increasing the share of women in academia. Female postdoctoral researchers are supported especially during transitional phases for third-party funded projects. Thanks to this funding, female researchers are afforded greater opportunity to pursue their qualification in a targeted manner and ultimately bring it to successful fruition.
What does the funding include?
In cases where funding has ended and no direct follow-on funding is available, funding for a position (up to 100%) will be provided for female postdoctoral researchers to bridge this period, for a maximum of 24 months. The securing of follow-on funding is required before this grant can be offered.

Apply for funding
Please use the following application form for all application submissions: Funding for Women in Postdoctoral Research Programs.
Who is eligible to apply?
Application can be made by the lead researcher of the project, preferably by a female professor at the University of Bonn. The applicant must be in a research field that ensures academic advice for the early-career researcher in question. Beyond this, an institutional tie to the University of Bonn throughout the entire qualification phase must be ensured.
What documents are needed to apply?
- Brief supporting letter with the following information:
- Sketch of the research project
- Depiction of the integration of how the early-career female researcher will be integrated into the field of research by the project manager
- Declaration of acceptance with reference to specific funding after the end of the transitional financing
- Tabular curriculum vitae incl. index of publications for the early-career researcher in question
What are the selection criteria?
- Quality and originality of the research project by the early-career female researcher
- Reliability of financing/follow-on financing after conclusion of the grant
What is the deadline for applying?
Applications for funding to begin on or after 1.9. can be submitted by 1.5. of the respective calendar year, applications for funding to begin on or after 1.3. can be submitted by 1.11. of the previous year.
Contact for questions
Anna Hollstegge
Head of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Unit