Funding of a Visiting Researcher
What is the purpose of this funding?
The goal is to allow female researchers execute joint research projects at the University of Bonn in cooperation with visiting scientists, and to present them to the local community of experts. The Bonn researchers should thus learn how to establish and deepen strategic partnerships. In this way, the University of Bonn promotes the formation of networks of female academics and expert academic dialog across national borders.
What does the funding include?
The funding covers the costs of inviting one visiting female researcher for up to 4 weeks (max. EUR 5,000). Proper justification must be provided if an exception is being requested.
Apply for funding
Please use the following application form for all application submissions: Funding of a visiting researcher.
Who is eligible to apply?
Applications can be submitted by any professor or postdoctoral researcher in the faculties or central institutes at the University of Bonn. The application to the Rectorate must be made via the dean of the respective faculty or by the managing director of the central institute.
What documents are needed to apply?
- Brief cover letter depicting and justifying the joint research project
- Tabular curriculum vitae, incl. research orientation and index of publications, for both applicant and guest
- List of costs
What are the selection criteria?
- Importance of the visit for applicant’s own research
- Integration of the visitor into the research strategy at the University of Bonn
What is the deadline for applying?
Applications for the summer term can be submitted by 31 December of the previous year, for the winter term by 30 June of the same year.
Contact for questions
Anna Hollstegge
Head of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Unit